Your Attitude

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Blessed are the gentle for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Mathew 5:3, 7-9

Above is Jesus most famous Sermon addressing our attitudes. Theologians guided by Gods hand have coined this sermon ‘’The Be-attitudes’’. Jesus knew that developing a correct perspective on life was critically important to our lives, and so He spoke often on that topic.

If my core attitudes and perspective towards life and people are skewed, then I too will experience a retinue of devastated relationships, foiled expectations and broken dreams. Jesus knew that from the core of our new beings, we need to develop a right attitude towards life. Let your eye, your attitude, be clear and your subsequent conclusion will have the potential for success.

Nothing is as powerful as a person’s attitude. And rarely also is anything so devastating as that same thing.


For some, their attitude finds opportunity in every difficulty, others find difficulty in every other opportunity. Some climb obstacles with a positive attitude while others fall because of a negative outlook towards challenges.

Which of these tendencies best describes you?

Attitude is a choice. It is not a feeling, nor is it the result of an event or circumstance, good or bad. We all are individually responsible for building our view and general outlook to life.

The Bible says ‘’whatever a man sows, that He shall reap’’ (Gal. 6:7). Our attitude towards life and our subsequent actions help determines what will happen to us. Our future looks brighter when our attitude is right, and it makes the present much more enjoyable, too!

For the most part, the condition of your attitude will determine;

-          The Quality of your relationship with people;

-          Whether you can turn a problem into a blessing;

-          Whether you can become a victim of defeat or a student of success.

The attitude we develop will cause us to see life either as a series of opportunities or in terms of our probability for failure. How a person defines life’s events will do more than anything else to determine His/her potential for success in life. You do not have to be gifted or exceptionally bright to employ simple practical truths to change the course of your life for the better. What you need is the will to change!

For you to change your attitude, you have to be convinced that a great attitude is one of the characteristics you can develop. This year and every other year! A permanent positive change of attitude not only engages you, but it gives you a special humane touch that attracts people and success to you.

Attitudes mar or make. The best time to start working on them is now.

Umar Musa Baba.