God and His Children.

He called Abraham to leave his father's house. From Abraham came a nation. Even when it seemed unlikely. 
Isaac & Jacob ..... Israel was born into 12 tribes.
Israel went in to Egypt in famine and drought. The savior of Egypt who foresaw the famine was of Israel. He was sent ahead, but came in as slave, then prisoner, then to the throne.

After the Pharaoh died, the new one enslaved Israel.
In the fullness of time, God called a deliverer, a Hebrew....Sent ahead.....raised in Pharaoh's palace as an Egyptian prince.
God led His chosen people out of Egypt. He had promised Abraham blessings as a promise. 
He led them by day in a cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire.
Through the red sea, they left captivity, into the wilderness....en-route the promised land.

But Israel grumbled and complained. They did not have the faith of Abraham, or the patience of Joseph. 
They complained and cursed. The Lord was so NOT impressed. They weren't like His friend and servant, Abraham. He was displeased at their idolatry, grumbling and attitude.
A journey of 40 days became a journey of 40 years. All because of lack of faith, patience and understanding. Nobody ever gave Thanks!

A disastrous trek, in which only a couple of survivors entered the promised land. Moses himself, was so tainted by the trek, he saw it but never entered. One of God's strongest prophets.

What wilderness are you passing through? Will you be like Abraham or Joseph? Or will you be faithless & ungrateful ....like the freed Israelites.? 

What is your freedom turning you to?

Watch it.... Lest your 40days turn to 40years. In all things, always pray for God's will to be done. For you never know what a situation will birth.
